Simpson's USPS Stamps

1 komentar:

14 April 2009 pukul 01.25 Unknown mengatakan...

Nice speech bro, as you said that democrate is full of shit out there, totally agree.
Life is a business, and everyone's life is a big business especially in indonesia which come out from man power, inside and outside. And election is only a tiny tool to get a huge business totally for all over Indonesia which can be divided into several projects with also a huge amount of money on corruption for each.
Bung Karno's period, people lived in poverty, they think only how to get a simple life. Suharto's period, people started to know how to make their life better, they realised money was an important one to have, so they broke up with demonstrated in order to get a big part of money. After it, they didn't even know what thing could do them a better life except money.
Indonesia will always be the largest country with corruption.
School, charity fund are some of money maker organization. Today's no one is taking anything without granted. Everyone needs to be selfish, but please .. think about the other .. think about your friend, neighbour, and people who still lives in poverty.
Make your life easier .. santai aja as you can, bro.